One has to be very cautious while opening the American Express National Bank’s personal account as people might steal the login and access the personal data. There are various techniques that can be applied while carrying out this sensitive task. 

The Method to Login the American Express National Bank Account from the Computer 

When the American Express home page is opened there is a location where the password and username has to be typed. The various options on the homepage are as follows:

Cards Membership RewardsMerchant AccountAmerican Express Work

The ‘remember me’ box must be carefully opted if the computer and wi fi are located in a public place such as a library. This is because someone might be able to access these personal details. 

Method to login the American Express Account through the Mobile or Tablet

On the mobile, tablet or any other android device, the app link of the American Express National Bank can be received by texting to 86509. When the link is received, the app can be downloaded and placed on the android for time to time usage. This makes the management of one’s money based matters to be more simple and fast as the account becomes more easily accessible. 

On the android, the username and the password must be entered in the exact way as on the computer. Once the account is opened in this way, the checks can be transferred, the various bills can be paid and also, the previous bank records can be checked so that the financial details are in one’s knowledge. There is also a feature within the android based app i.e. the customer service and chat that gives the customers an option to have their basic queries to be answered. 

What to do if the Personal Password and Username are Lost 

The American Express National Bank website makes the recovery of the username and the password quite easy when these details are forgotten by the clients. If the details are forgotten, one simple needs to press the button of ‘password/username forgotten’. Following this step the website asks for certain data such as:

The card number which has 15 digits. The four number card I. D. The last four figures of the social security number. Birth date.

The new username and the password will then be required and an email would be sent in the email account confirming the username and password change. 

Locating the Bank Statement 

The American Express website gives its user the data regarding the banking statement of as many as two years. The transaction record can be received in the form of a pdf, excel sheet, and CSV. All one has to do is to click the button and the data can be received in a matter of seconds. 

Being-in Contact with the Customer Service Representative

The 24/7 service can at any time be used when the customer service representative has to be contacted. The numbers as follows:

1- 800- 528 – 48001- 800 – 221- 9950 (this number is for the people with disabilities).

The Twitter account of the American Express National Bank can also be used. 

The Advantages of the American Express Online Banking

Rather than go to the bank, the online based banking of the American Express can not only reduce the distance but also have less time used so that the clients can access the personal account details such as payment of bills, cheque transfers and transactions history. This makes the online banking of the American Express more benefitial than any other kind of banking. 

Q1: Where is the American Express Card ID to be found?

Ans. It is in the front of the card.

Q2: How can the customer service number be received?

Ans: It is 10 – digit number at the back of the card.

Q3: How can the forgotten username and password be received?

Ans: Once the ‘forgot password/username’ button is pressed and the email address is typed, the website gives the entire list of the possible usernames and passwords.

Q4: What is the method of creating an American Express account?

Ans: One has to register on the website and provide some basic personal details such as card number and birth date. 

Q5: What is the right way of using the American Express Card?

Ans: One has to have the card and its four digit number.


The American Express National Bank’s website is very informative and it gives all the details ranging from the transaction history to the bills payments and cheque transfers. The Login however must be carefully typed so that there are no people having an easy technique to get this data. The website and the app can be more easily used through the android where the app can be downloaded. On the shared computers and wi fis the information must be carefully typed.