YouTube has become the most used video streaming platform in recent times, thanks to CoVID and lockdown. All of us watch YouTube videos every day for entertainment, knowledge, or skill development. This platform has every type of video to fulfill your needs. YouTube is also a great platform for brands to advertise their product or services as they can reach millions of users with the help of YouTube Ads. There is also an option of one-to-one advertising where a company or a person directly reaches the creator to advertise their product.

These all might seem pretty easy, but as the creators are no less than celebrities, they also have a proper way to communicate with the vendor. Apart from that, a lot of fans also try to contact their favorite creator, and the number is pretty high. So, to save themselves from scams, phishing, or any other privacy breaches, YouTube helps its creators hide their personal details from the platform.

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Why Do We Need Contact Details of a Content Creator?

Apart from being a fan of any creator and trying to intervene in their daily life, we sometimes might need contact details for various reasons. Also, if somebody is a company executive and needs the contact information of a creator to discuss business and make a deal, having the official email address of the content creator is a must. But in most cases, people like us tend to connect with our favorite content creators on different social media platforms so that we can always see their stories, posts, videos, etc.

How to Find Contact Details of a Video Creator on YouTube?

Contact Details in general, means the phone number and office address of a creator or their manager. However, finding a phone number is next to impossible on YouTube. Most creators do not put their phone numbers publicly on YouTube due to security reasons. However, there are other platforms where you might be able to find their phone number if somebody has listed it. Follow the steps below to find out both the phone number and address of a video creator easily and in an ethical way.

How to Find Phone Number of a Video Creator?

Before you go forward, make sure you have other social media accounts like Instagram and Twitter, as most of them use these two platforms as their primary platforms to give updates on their daily lives.

Find Phone Number from YouTube Video Description

Nowadays video creators rely a lot upon sponsors and hence they sometimes provide their phone numbers in the description box to seek sponsorships. So, you should first check the description box of their videos and see if there is any number listed or not. However, in most cases, you won’t be able to find a number due to security and privacy reasons.

Find Phone Number from Instagram and Twitter

As we have already discussed that these creators are mostly active on Instagram and Twitter, so there are high chances that you will be able to find their contact details on these platforms. Also, getting the phone number from these platforms is pretty easy and straightforward as you just have to open their profiles, and you will be able to see their phone numbers on their Bio itself. In addition to that, Instagram also shows a button of “Call” or “Text” if a creator has their number linked. You can just tap on the button and get their number pretty easily.

If you are unable to find the phone number of a creator, it is because they might have some privacy issues and hence they do not want anyone to have their phone number. In these cases, you should either refrain from finding their contact number, or just go through other methods to find their contact details instead.

How to Find Office Address of a Video Creator?

While advertising their product with any creator on any platform, big companies always try to meet the other party face to face so that they can make sure their product is in the right hands and they can also verify other aspects too. In these cases, having the office address is quite mandatory, as without the address, there is no way to meet in person. Just like other sensitive information, creators mostly do not put their addresses on their YouTube channel itself. We have listed some of the possible ways which might help you get the office address of a creator easily:

  • Look for their Website and visit the About Us and Contact Us page.
  • If you have their social media handles, check for any addresses on the platforms.
  • Check the YouTube channel About page (steps to access the page are given below).
  • If the channel is under a registered company, search for the parent company name on Google.

How to Find Email Address of a Video Creator on YouTube?

The most common method to contact a YouTube creator is their email address. Most of the creators put their email addresses in the description box of their videos. However, it can cause a privacy issue as other companies can use them in their mailing list to send unnecessary emails to the creator. Also, the description area is accessible publicly by crawlers, and hence they can fetch the email addresses and use them in a bad way. To prevent this issue, YouTube has a particular place where a creator can put their email, and it is protected in such a way that it is accessible only by humans.

Follow the steps to retrieve the email address of a creator on YouTube:


  • First, open YouTube and type the channel’s name in the search box.
  • Once the channel is listed, click on it. You will see a lot of options on the screen e.g. Home, Videos, Playlists, etc.
  • On the same page, find “About” and tap on that (for both PC and mobile).
  • A new page will be visible to you with sections like Description, Details, Links, etc.
  • In the Details section, you will see a text as “For business inquiries,” along with a “VIEW EMAIL ADDRESS” button next to it.
  • Click on the button and verify the captcha.
  • Once verified, you will now be able to see the Email address of the creator and you can use the email to contact them for business or personal inquiries.

Most of the creators list their email addresses in this section. However, if you still can’t find their email address, you can check for it on their social media platforms too.

How to Find Social Media Handles of a Video Creator on YouTube?

Every YouTube video creator has their personal or official social media accounts apart from YouTube, where they post about their daily life and updates. We, as fans like to follow them and see what our favorite creators are up to. However, to actually see their daily life, we need to have access to their social media platforms. Content creators promote their social media handles in their videos, and they put the link on the description box, as well as the about page too.

Here are some methods which can help you get the social media handles of your favorite content creator:

  • Look for social media handles inside the YouTube videos, and afterward, search them in the respective platform.
  • Look for any social media links in the description box as most of them put them there.
  • Look for links under the “Links” on the YouTube channel about page.
  • Look for any links with their icons on the channel’s cover photo.
  • Look for interlinks between different social media accounts.


We have provided a plethora of information to access most of the contact details of a content creator on YouTube. However, most of this information is sensitive, and the creators do not want anyone to use their details in the wrong way. So, if you have access to someone’s details, make sure you respect their privacy.