Some good comments for Instagram include:-Nice photo!-Love your feed!-Looking great!-Cool pic!

This is a great picture! The colors are beautiful and the composition is perfect.

There’s no one answer to this question – it depends on the post and the relationship between the commenter and the poster. Sometimes, a simple “Nice post!” is all that’s needed. Other times, more detailed feedback may be appropriate. It’s important to read the post carefully and figure out what the poster is hoping to get out of the conversation before commenting.

Some people might find it hard to believe, but some of the nicest comments I’ve ever received were from complete strangers. One time, I was out running and a guy driving by rolled down his window and yelled, “Good job, keep it up!” It was such a simple thing, but it made me feel really good.Another time, I was at the grocery store and the cashier said, “You have such a pretty smile.

Commenting elegantly can be tricky, but it’s definitely worth taking the time to do it properly. The key is to be concise and to the point. You also want to make sure your comments are relevant to the conversation. Here are a few tips:Use proper grammar and spelling.Avoid using textspeak or abbreviations.Make sure your comments are on topic.Keep your comments brief and to the point.

To comment on a post or article, click the “Comment” link below the post. This will open a text box where you can type your comment. When you’re finished, click “Post Comment.” Your comment will appear on the page below the post.

Commenting on someone’s appearance is always a risky move, but it can be done in a way that is respectful and complimentary. First, make sure that you are genuine in your compliment; there’s nothing worse than a backhanded compliment. Next, try to focus on something specific about the person’s appearance that you like. For example, “You have beautiful eyes,” or “I love your hair.

There are many ways to appreciate beauty. Some people might appreciate the beauty of a painting, while others might appreciate the beauty of a natural landscape. Some people might appreciate the beauty of a musical performance, while others might appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted piece of furniture. There are many different things that can be beautiful, and there are many different ways to appreciate them.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to hype a girl on Instagram will vary depending on the person in question. However, some tips on how to hype a girl on Instagram include liking and commenting on her posts, following her account, and sending her direct messages. You can also try tagging her in photos or using hashtags that are relevant to her interests.

Compliments are always nice, but it’s important to be genuine. Try to find something specific that the person did that you liked and mention that. For example, “I really liked the way you handled that situation” or “You have a great sense of style.