You can see how long you’ve been friends with someone on their profile. Just go to their profile, and under “Friends” it will say how long you’ve been friends.

Yes, you can see a list of your Facebook friends by going to the Friends tab on the left-hand side of your News Feed.

We’ve been friends on Facebook for 2021 days.

There is no definitive answer to this question, as Facebook does not release information about when individual users joined the platform. However, there are a few methods that could be used in order to approximate when someone joined Facebook. One way would be to look at the user’s profile and see when they first created an account on the site. Another method would be to look at the user’s friends list and see who joined Facebook in 2021 or earlier.

To see how long you’ve been on Facebook, go to your profile and click on “Activity Log.” This will show you a list of all the posts and activities you’ve been involved in, as well as when you joined Facebook.

There is no definitive way to tell who has unfriended you on Facebook, as the site does not notify users when someone has removed them from their friend’s list. However, there are a few methods you can use to try and figure it out.One way is to look at your list of friends and see if there are any that you don’t recognize or that have recently been inactive. Another is to check your News Feed for any posts that seem to have disappeared.

There is no sure way to see your boyfriend’s Facebook activity unless he tells you directly. Even if you are friends with him on the site, you won’t be able to see his posts or anything he’s shared with friends. However, if he has a public profile, you can search for his name and see what information is available.

There is no way to hide recently added friends on Facebook. However, you can change your privacy settings so that only your friends can see your friends list. To do this, go to the Privacy Settings page and click on the “Friends” tab. Under the “Who can see your friend list?” section, select “Only me.

To unhide the date you joined Facebook, follow these steps:Click on the downward arrow in the top right corner of Facebook and select Settings.Select General from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the section called “Date of Birth” and click on Edit.Under “Show my year of birth on my profile?” change the setting to No.

There are a few ways to tell if someone has blocked you on Facebook. One is to try to send them a message and see if it goes through. If it doesn’t, then they’ve probably blocked you. You can also check to see if you’re still friends with them on Facebook. If you’re not, then they’ve probably blocked you.