If someone reports you on Facebook, the site will review the report and may take action depending on its policy. This could include removing your content, suspending your account, or contacting you to ask you to stop violating the site’s terms.

Yes, you can. If you’re logged in to Facebook, go to Settings > Security and look for the “Report Activity” section. There, you’ll be able to see who reported you and what they reported.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, like the way you know if someone reported you on Facebook will vary depending on your account settings and the reporting options available to the person who reported you. However, in most cases, you will receive a notification from Facebook informing you that someone has reported your profile or activity.

There is no set number of reports that will get you banned from Facebook. However, if Facebook determines that you are violating their terms of service, they may ban you from the site.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the process for getting someone banned from Facebook depends on the specific reason for the ban. However, in general, Facebook may ban users for violating its terms of service, such as by posting spam or pornography, or for engaging in abusive or threatening behavior.

There is no set number of reports that will get you banned from Facebook. However, if Facebook determines that you are violating their terms of service, they may ban you from the site.

If your account is reported, it could be deleted, suspended, or locked.

To view your Facebook violations, first, log into your account and click on the downward arrow in the top right-hand corner of the main screen. From the menu that appears, select “Settings.”On the Settings screen, click on “Security” on the left-hand side. Under “Security,” you’ll see a section called “Where You’ve Logged In.” This will show you all of the devices and locations from which you have logged into your Facebook account.

Facebook reviews report as quickly as possible. However, the time it takes to review a report depends on the complexity of the report.

There is no definitive way to jail someone on Facebook. Depending on the severity of the crime and the jurisdiction in which it is being committed, various methods may be used, including reporting the person to the authorities, getting a restraining order, or filing a lawsuit.