You’ll need the day and time you got the shipment, as well as the package number and item description, to figure out who shipped it. Any information you can get about the package will help you identify the order.

What Should I Do?

You can see what’s inside a package without opening it, which is useful if you don’t know who gave it to you or if there aren’t any specifics.

Scanning the barcode to see what’s inside the package can also help you figure out whether someone brought you a gift from your Wishlist or whether they sent you something fraudulently.

It is critical that you do not open any packages that have been sent to you until you have determined who sent them. Whatever you open or report will almost certainly be intrusive and may contain pathogens.

People sometimes place orders for you and they take a long time to arrive. In cases like this, tracking the item yourself rather than relying on the person who purchased it for you to do so can be beneficial.


  1. What if the conditions for determining who sent me a package aren’t met?

  2. Will I be able to find out who this individual is?

They will, but it will rely on the policies. Contact them first so that they can supply you with accurate information.