With Quest being such a well-known credit union across the United States, many have joined. And, it is only natural that there would be some questions that account holders will want to have answered. For example, how to find out what their account number is. 

Let us look at what we discovered while researching the topic.

To find your Quest account number, you cannot access it online. You will need to contact a Quest consultant to find your account number.

Now that the major question has been answered, let us look at Quest thoroughly and find out just what a credit union does. 

All there is to know about quest federal credit union

Quest was founded in the year 1969. It was created by the board of directors off the Kenton Rockwell Plant. Back then, the union was called the Kenton Rockwell Standard Federal Union. 

The directors had started the union with a required minimum deposit of $5 and the membership fees were $0.25 per account.

The inspiration behind the union was to start something that would help benefit its members by allowing them to save cash for those important or urgent days when it was needed.

In the year 2010, the union was rebranded to Quest Federal Credit Union. Today, the union still focuses on expanding and giving more to its members.  Now, let us have a detailed look at how to obtain your Quest account number.

How to find your quest account number?

After looking in on the subject, there was barely any information regarding what a member could do to look up their Quest account number. Due to this, the only solution was to contact a Quest Consultant on their online portal.

After enquiring about the Quest account number, the consultant stated that there was no way to obtain one’s account or membership number online. The preferred way to find the number was to go into one of the nearest Quest branches. The member could also contact Quest’s member services directly, via phone.

Note that this is not the only way. Another method to obtain one’s member or account number is by checking the account details listed on the top of a Quest statement. These are the only methods available now for those searching for their Quest account numbers.

Now, you may be wondering why this is the case. Is a Quest account not the same as a bank account? Why can’t these details be accessed online?

The answer is no. There may be some similarities between a bank account and a union account, but there are some differences as well. These have been listed below.

Similarities Between Union and Bank Accounts

The similarities between unions and banks include the following:

· Both parties can make deposits into their accounts.

· Both parties can take loans.

· Both parties are offered a wide range of financial services, etcetera.

Differences Between Unions and Banks:

There are quite a few differences between Unions and Banks. These have been listed below.

· A Union is a non-profit organization. A Bank answers to a group of shareholders instead of its members or clients first. The first and most important purpose of a bank is the making of profit.

· A bank is owned and controlled by its shareholders. A Union is owned and controlled by its members. As soon as you make a deposit, it is as though you have purchased shares of the Union. You have voting and controlling rights. To find out more about this, it is best to speak to a Quest consultant to find out more.

· A difference between these two includes their members. Union members have common goals and gladly participate in any program which has been designed to aid all members. For example, financial education and outreaches to customers. This does not work the same way with banks. Bank account members do not know or care to assist one another to grow as a community. 


To find or obtain your Quest account or membership number, you must check on a union statement or contact a consultant directly. On the statement, the details will be at the top. If you do not have a statement, you will have to contact Quest’s member services directly. You could call them or go to one of their nearest branches. The consultant will be able to assist you regarding this. Unfortunately, Quests member details are not stored online and, there is no way to access them using their website.

How do I contact a Quest consultant?

You could do this using the online portal on their website. There is also a contact form on the website. You could send Quest an SMS or call them on 800-333-9571

What services are offered through the online service?

You can get access to statements, notices, and alerts.

 Is there any other way to manage my transactions and other actions?

Yes, you can download Quest’s union app on your device to manage deposits, withdrawals, and more.