There are a few things that could cause your auto-rotate to stop working. One possibility is that the camera’s software has been updated and no longer recognizes the auto-rotate feature. Another possibility is that there is something obstructing the camera’s view of the rotating object, such as a tree or building. If you’re having trouble rotating an object and it’s not due to an update or obstruction, it might be time for a hardware replacement.

There are a few ways to fix the auto rotate on your phone. The easiest way is to go to your phone’s settings and scroll down to “rotate screen.” You can then choose how you want your screen to rotate. Another way is to go to your home screen and press and hold on to an app until it starts shaking. Then, release it and the app will rotate.

There are a few potential causes of why your phone’s screen isn’t rotating. If the phone is in landscape mode, make sure the screen lock button is pressed all the way to the right. If it’s still not rotating, there could be something blocking the rotation sensors on the phone. If you’ve tried pressing and holding down both Volume Up and Volume Down buttons at the same time, that might also help. If none of those solutions work, it might be time for a replacement phone.

Android Auto was discontinued in December of 2017.

To rotate your Android screen, go to Settings > Display and tap Rotation Lock.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the method that works best for one user may not work as well for another. However, some methods that have worked for others include:Use an app like ScreenRotationLock or RotateScreen. These apps lock the screen in a specific orientation, so you don’t have to worry about it rotating accidentally.Use a setting in your Android phone’s settings.

The auto-rotate feature on your phone may have gone missing. This is a common issue with phones and can be caused by a number of things, including battery life, software updates, and general wear and tear. If you’re not sure whether or not the auto-rotate feature is still working on your phone, you can try checking the settings in your device’s main menu.

There are a few reasons why your Samsung screen may not be rotating. First, it could be that the screen is not responding to the touch. Second, it could be that there is something blocking the rotation mechanism. Finally, it could be that the cable connecting the screen to the computer has been damaged. If you are still experiencing problems with your Samsung screen rotating, you may need to take it to a service center for repair.

To rotate the screen, hold down the control key and drag the mouse around the screen.

Quick settings are accessible from the main screen by swiping down from the top of the screen.