Smartphones and overheating problem go hand in hand. Whenever you are using your phone, under the hood, the phone is actually physically moving stuff to get the task done and this generates heat. Now, although phones heat up it also cools down immediately but in some cases, excess heat can cause an overheating problem and that’s when the problems begin. Excess heat can compromise performance and the battery life of a smartphone among other aspects and in some cases, might even induce physical damage and burns but here’s how you can limit the problem and hopefully, get it fixed finally.

How to fix BQ Mobile overheating problem?

There’s a lot you can do to completely eradicate the problem or at least suppress it in severe cases as well as prevent it at the first instance itself. Here’s a collage of everything that you should prevent the phone from escaping the critical temperature.

Reboot the phone

The moment you think that the phone’s temperature has turned up, rebooting the system can be one of the basic and simplest tricks to adhere to. It requires you to simply place the finger on the power button and turn it off right away. That must be the first line of defense against increasing core temperature but definitely, there are plenty of other in the hatchet that you can use in congregation too.

Alter brightness settings

This might seem like a small step but this will definitely boost the battery life while also relieving the battery and the system as a whole from the excess strain it has to sustain to keep the brightness inappropriately high even when not required and believe it, these features contribute to the overheating problem in the further stage. The way out is to keep brightness appropriate to the surrounding light i.e. low to moderate to high based on the intensity of the sunlight and alter it back to low when using the phone at night. You can also use blue filters and night more to bring down the brightness even further.

Stay away from intensive sunlight

I know that you are a photoholic or someone who clicks photos in bright sunlight which is a great backdrop for fantastic photos. But the thing is, sunlight can have an adverse impact on the phone which is mainly made up of plastic, aluminum or metal where all these elements have a varying response to sunlight which is usually raising the core temperature. Thus the more the phone stays in direct or intensive sunlight, the more it bounces closer to the overheating problem.

Put a halt to your overusing addiction

No doubt that your phone reaches the critical temperature too quick because you are using the phone addictively which lowers the SoT and decreases the battery life since you have been continuously using the phone. But note that even if you used the phone for a half or so playing a graphic-intensive game, it will have a great impact on the battery life and the phone will soon overheating as it is not able to dissipate the heat generated meanwhile more heat is being generated due to constant usage. Thus, use your phone is a short snippet or burst which is usually the best way to raise both SoT and battery life.

Your phone is suffocating

How is it possible for a non-living or abiotic thing to breathe but here, the suffocation is caused due to heat being trapped and not able to dissipate. This could cause the phone to raise it’s temperature considerably and can be caused due to a number of things. It could be because of the inadequate dissipation system your phone has or it could be a software glitch or most probable, the phone case or cover you are using is causing it to suffocate.

Stop/Close apps when not needed

In a smartphone with 6 or 8GB RAM, you can keep almost 20 and even more apps open at once within any glitch but it could be a problem for smartphones with 1/2/4GB RAM or less since Android OS takes RAM as a temporary storage to operate all its apps at real-time. When you have a limited RAM but you want to access numerous apps, this will surely introduce anomaly or resource crunch somewhere and since the battery is forced to supply power to all the apps active in fore and background, it creates a huge energy surge which corresponds to increasing heat and then, you know the rest. The solution is close apps after usage.

Turn off/Stop connectivity features when not needed

Similar to how opened apps can cause resource crunch, connectivity features such as NFC, Location, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc can create a similar situation if someone forgets or deliberately leaves these features enabled even when not required. The battery life will decrease as a result but it can contribute heat towards the system and combinedly if not single-handedly cause an overheating problem.

Remove unused apps

If you aren’t using an app on your phone, do not keep it to entertain the menu drawer because it isn’t just lying there but consuming some of the resources that could’ve otherwise used by other helpful apps. Navigate to the Settings app on your phone and go to Apps » Downloaded and uninstall those apps that you don’t want.

Update the applications

There is a thing that outdated apps can cause issues such as lack of performance or might introduce bugs and are highly vulnerable to malware, viruses, etc. Therefore, it is a good practice to update the applications as and when the updates on the Google Play Store are available.

Upgrade/update the system software

The firmware or Android OS is a standalone piece of software the enables interaction between the various hardware components and software, apps, and drivers components. But since Android doesn’t provide updates that often except if you have a flagship phone, you’ll have to suffer decreased performance and a bunch of other problems. Therefore, you can either look for an update or upgrade and if not, you can install a custom ROM just in case which has proven to be great and resourceful.

Wipeout cache memory

Cache files as said is a temporary chunk of files created and stored by the system whenever you visit an app or service. When you return on the app again, instead of processing the same startup data, the system looks into the cache files to retrieve the startup data and get you started with right away. Now, you need to clear the cache files once in a while or I say, once a day to optimize the phone’s performance at all time.

To clear cache files, you need to tap on ‘Settings’ tool and proceed to the Storage section. Scroll a bit to find ‘Cache Memory’ and that’s what you need to delete right away. Next procedure is to tap on ‘Settings’ app and then, navigate to Apps » Downloaded section. Here’s a list of all the apps that you downloaded but since you cannot delete cache files of all the apps as you’ll lose the login credentials as well, you’ll have to delete the cache files for others. Tap on an app, press ‘Clear Cache’ and ‘Clear Data’ and that’s it.

Wipe cache partition

This is the third procedure on clearing cache after the two explained above. Here’s how you are going to wipe out cache partition using recovery mode.

  • To access the recovery mode, you need to switch off the phone first.
  • Next is to place your fingers on volume up and power button together and gently press it together and keep it pressed for few seconds.
  • You can release the keys as soon as the display shows an Android logo.
  • Now, use the protocol here i.e. volume rockers for toggling and power button for selecting an option and finally select on ‘wipe cache partition’.
  • Lastly, confirm if you want to delete it by selecting ‘Yes’ and that’s it.

Restore the phone

Restoring the phone will put it back to its original settings that you started with after you bought the phone. Before you can think about it, better take a backup of all the data you want to secure because it is an irreversible process. So, since you already know how to boot into the recovery mode using hardware buttons, here’s what you are gonna do next. Tap on ‘clear data/reset factory’ and select ‘yes — delete all user data’ to confirm your actions and takes it.

Verify the status of battery, cable, and adapter

Could it be the battery all along? Well, indeed it could be the battery or cable or the charging brick that you have been using which is causing the overheating problem. First up, check if the charging brick and cable are compatible or not in case if you aren’t using the one provided by the company. Next, you need to check if the battery could be problematic and since you need a professional’s help, in this case, it is better to follow the last method to know and get rid of the problem.

Seek help from authorized service providers

Can’t get rid of the BQ Mobile overheating problem just yet? Here’s what you must do. If the problem is severe and out of what you can fix or if it is hardware-related, you must report to a service center where the technicians will be able to uproot the problem after diagnosing what’s wrong. Reporting to an authorized service provider is crucial since you can’t walk-in to a third-party service center if your phone is still in warranty as it will void it.
