A new battle royale game came into the block this year, from one of the popular battle royale franchises, the Call of Duty. The new game is called Call of Duty Warzone, and it was released back in March 2020. The is available across all platforms like Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, and it is a part of 2019 released, Call of Duty Modern Warfare. The game is developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. The Call of Duty Warzone has quickly become a fan favorite.

However, talking about negatives, a new error has surfaced the Call of Duty Warzone game, where the users are getting “The player does not have a valid game session to join status – Goalpost.” The error has been reported by several users over time, and if you also happen to be a player of the COD Warzone and are looking for a fix for this issue, then you are at the right place. As in this post, we will guide you on how to fix the Call of Duty Warzone error goalpost. So, that being said, let us take a look at the guide itself:

How to Fix Call of Duty Warzone Error Goalpost?

So, if you are getting the error “The player does not have a valid game session to join status – Goalpost,” here is a fix that you can try and fix this issue.

Also Read

  • Call of Duty Warzone Dev Error 5763: Is there a fix?

  • How to Fix Call of Duty Warzone Latency issue in PS4/PS5

  • Fix: Call of Duty Warzone Disc Read Error 6.154

  • Basically, all you have to do is add your friend to the Activision account and invite them via the Activision instead of the PlayStation name.

  • For that, you need to add you PSN (PlayStation Network) with your Activision, and then add in your game.

  • You can ask the same to be done from your friend’s end.


So, as far as this trick is concerned, it is the only working solution available for this goalpost error, and it seems to have to work perfectly for the users of the COD Warzone. So, there you have it from my side in this post. I hope you were able to fix the goalpost error in the COD Warzone game with the above-mentioned fix. Although the above fix requires you to create an Activision account, for the sake of playing the game, it is worth it. Let us know in the comments below if you come across any issues while following the above fix or you have any other fix that worked. Until the next post…Cheers!

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