You can get notifications when a friend is online on Xbox by following these steps:Open the Xbox app on your device.Select Friends from the main menu.Select the friend you want to receive notifications for.Under “Status,” select Online.Under “Notifications,” select Get Notifications.Select OK to confirm your selection.

Xbox notification banners are a way for you to keep track of your notifications without having to constantly check the Xbox dashboard. When you have a notification banner, it will show up in the corner of your screen and will stay there until you either dismiss the notification or open the corresponding app.

Xbox Live notifies you when people message, call, or send you a message. If you don’t see notifications from Xbox Live, it may be because your console is not connected to the internet.

No, people do not get a notification when you favorite them on Xbox.

There is no evidence to suggest that an Xbox can get a virus from Internet Explorer. However, it is always best to be cautious and use a security software on your Xbox to protect yourself from any potential viruses.

A notification banner is a small graphic that appears on the top of your screen when there is new content available in a particular app or when you have a message waiting.

The notification banner is located on the top right corner of the app.

There could be a number of reasons why you’re not receiving invites on Xbox One. Perhaps your friends are not online at the moment, or they may have blocked you from sending or receiving invites. You can check your friends’ status and unblock yourself if necessary by going to Settings > Friends > My Friends. If you still can’t find a solution, please reach out to Microsoft Support for assistance.

Yes, people do know if you add them to favorites.

Favoriting someone on Xbox means you like and appreciate them and want to see their content more. It can also indicate that you want to interact with them in some way.