The reason for your video being under review is that it has not been cleared by the content team. This is because the algorithm that reviews every single video before it is published, will automatically detect any copyrighted material in the video. The content team reviews these videos to ensure that no other people’s videos are inappropriately used.

TikTok is a video hosting app that allows users to share short videos through their feed. TikTok’s content is typically user-generated and closely resembles what you would see on the more popular app, Instagram. In order to submit a video, a user must first upload it to their profile, or into a channel they have created. Once uploaded, the video will be reviewed by TikTok staff for up to three days before it is approved and published on the app.

The term ‘under review’ is a phrase used in the academic field, and it means that a person or group of people are currently examining a piece of work to either criticize, analyze, or evaluate it.

The way to tell if your account is banned is to try to post a video. If the video won’t show, then the account is Shadowbanned.

Accepting an application for review may mean that the applicant is rejected or it may mean that the reviewer agrees to review the application. The nuance of this phrasing depends on the context in which it is used.

The review process takes anywhere from three weeks to four months, depending on how quickly the reviewer can read through your manuscript.

Under review items are in an earlier stage of the process than in-review items. Items under review are waiting to be reviewed, while in-review items have been reviewed and are awaiting approval.

A shadowban is a punishment that is given to a user on TikTok for not following specific rules. A TikTok user can get shadowbanned if they post inappropriate content, post abusive comments, use fake followers, etc. Rules are constantly changing and evolving so users of this app should be mindful of what they upload. To solve the issue of a shadowban on TikTok it is advised to stop posting any unethical content on the app.

A permanent ban on TikTok is in the process of being implemented. Currently, when users are banned from TikTok, they are banned for about 24 hours. However, when the permanent ban comes into effect, users will have their account locked out forever.

In vernacular, a shadow ban is an action intended to limit or eliminate a person’s use of a service without their knowledge. In the context of social media, a user with a shadow ban typically still has access to all features and content in the site they have been banned from, but other users are unable to view their posts.Shadow bans are typically viewed as being disproportionately targeted against users who hold controversial opinions.